You can order items easily, safely and simply on Online orders can be paid online with or without an account, regardless of whether you want to have the order delivered or pick it up for free at our warehouse. has the following payment method:
i-DEAL - By far the simplest and therefore most popular method of online payment in the Netherlands is i-DEAL. When you select this payment method, our website will redirect you to the payment page of your own bank where the payment can be completed. You will then be switched back to our webshop and you will receive your order confirmation by e-mail. The i-DEAL payments are handled for us by provider Mollie, one of the Netherlands' largest merchants for online payment transactions. Mollie is very well secured and no extra costs are charged for this payment method.
Various credit cards - At you can also pay with your credit card. At least, if that is a Visa, Eurocard or Mastercard. Often your credit card (depending on the type of card) also includes free insurance for the purchased products. The online credit card payments are handled through Mollie, the provider that also handles i-DEAL, and 1.8% transaction costs are charged for this payment method.
PayPal - Another, widely used payment method is via PayPal. You can open an account on You link your bank account or credit card to this account. When choosing this payment method, our site will redirect you to the PayPal site, after which you can log in to your account and process the payment. PayPal then debits the amount from the bank account or credit card that you have linked to your PayPal account, fast and simple! Your purchase is insured against "pay but no product received" and a 1% transaction fee is charged for this payment method.
Belgium: BanContact/Mister Cash: To make it easy for our Belgian customers, we have also integrated a specific Belgian payment method in addition to credit card and PayPal. Paying with BanContact / Mister Cash is very popular in Belgium. uses Mollie's payment services for these payment methods. No additional costs are charged for this payment method.
Germany: Sofort - Just like in the Netherlands, paying in your own banking environment is also the most popular in Germany. For our German customers we therefore have the option to pay online with Sofort. uses Mollie's payment services for these payment methods. For Sofort, 0.9% costs are charged per transaction.
Payment by bank transfer (before delivery) - If you wish to pay for your order by bank transfer, this is also possible at If you choose this payment option, you will receive the invoice with the confirmation of your order, just like with the other payment options. Please transfer the purchase amount to our RABO bank account: IBAN NL66 RABO 0316 1509 67 in the name of. DockParts stating your order/invoice. As soon as your payment has been credited to our account, we will process your order.
If you have any questions or comments about our payment options, please do not hesitate to contact us.